Click Here for complete list of Directors/Committee Chairs.
Altar Guild Working quietly behind the scenes to keep the altar, vessels, vestments, etc. in top
-shape are the Altar Guild, a group that puts many hours into their work to ensure that the church is always ready for scheduled services, weddings, funerals, and baptisms.
They also make sure flowers are enjoyed long after being on the altar, delivering them after the service to shut-ins and to those who are ill.
Buildings & Grounds
Choir Senior Choir One can't participate in our services without noticing, or hearing for that matter, the key
role our Senior Choir plays in adding joy and spirit to our weekly worship. They've grown so over the years, that they now sit on both sides of the altar! The Choir practices
following the Sunday service. Together they enjoy not just making beautiful music, but the bond of friendship in serving our Lord.
Junior Choir The Junior Choir, comprised of children in grades 3-7, sings for special services during
Christmas and Easter and once a month on Youth Sunday. They practice on Mondays after school during Advent and Lent and one Monday a month during the rest of the year.
Their angelic faces, sweet voices, and boundless spirit add much life to our Youth Sunday Services and other special services.
Communication & Publicity
This group explores and institutes ways of communicating information to our congregation
and throughout our community regarding special events - newspaper advertising for special events, signs, the web site, and much more.
Counters Also known as The Bald Eagles and the Gray Goose Brigade, these trusted servants give their time and counting talents to tally the collection.
Episcopal Church Women This dynamic group of women is responsible for a number of popular activities: Military
Whist, Secret Pals for Shut-Ins, Annual Banquet, Traveler's Aid Courtesy Bags, Thrift Shop, May Baskets, and Christmas gifts to shut-ins, to mention a few.
Men's Club This equally dynamic group (perhaps not in numbers, but certainly in personality) is
responsible for organizing and running the following events: Apple Crisp baking for the Cathedral Meal Site, The Annual Yard Sale, projects for the bazaar, Penny Social at the Bazaar, and St. Patrick's Day Dinner.
Parish Worship Committee
This group works along with the Rector to plan services, study the many ways our Prayer
Book offers enrichment, and occasionally carefully experiment with ways to worship.
Welcoming Committee This group plans ways to better welcome visitors and newcomers into our midst. They
schedule training sessions for Ushers and Greeters, and are always brainstorming to come up with new ideas to make the Trinity community and amenities more accessible. If you have any bright ideas, let them know!
Youth Groups Rite 13 I
Rite 13 II J2A These dynamic groups meet twice a month, usually on Sunday evenings. Their activities
are designed to reinforce and enhance the Journey To Adulthood curriculum. They organize and take part in activities that foster participation of the younger members of
our congregation, including ice skating, trips to the movies, helping at the soup kitchen, working at the food bank, and the annual Halloween sleep-over ("lock-in!") at the
Episcopal Conference Center. The Senior Youth Group also hosts the annual Pancake Supper and sponsors a booth at the annual Victorian Village Bazaar at Christmas time.
Visit the Teens' Page for event and meeting info, plus a number of great links especially for teens and information about the Journey To Adulthood Program.
Young People's Christian Formation & Education Staff Coordinator Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten
Grades 1 & 2 Grades 3 & 4 Rite 13 J2A Substitutes Youth Sunday Coordinator