Office Hours Monday through Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Closed on Fridays in July
and August, as well as the week between Christmas Day and the Feast of the Holy Name.
Deanery Representatives Susan Carpenter Phyllis Schumacher
Diocesan Convention Delegates Chas Gross Susan Henthorne Shirley Hutchings
Alternates: Megan Picozzi
Directions From I95 North:
take "Rt. 146/State Offices" exit. At end of ramp go straight through light. Second light is Smith St/Rte. 44 - take left. Go down hill - Smith Street dead ends at Diocesan House/North Main Street. Turn left, then right into parking lot.
From I95 South:
take Exit 23, "Rt. 146/Charles St." At end of ramp you must turn right. Get left at once, and take first left back around under highway towards Marriott. Third light is Smith Street: turn left. Diocesan House is straight ahead - turn left on Main St. then right into parking lot.
From I195 East:
take exit 1 "Downtown Providence." Second light is College Street - turn right and cross river to Main Street. Turn left on Main - Diocesan House/St. John's Cathedral is ahead on right at third light.
From I195 West: take Exit 2/South Main St. Proceed straight past courthouse, through three lights. St. John's Cathedral/Diocesan House is on right. Parking:
There are two parking lots - one on Main Street, just past the Annex/Resource Center, and another up the hill off Star Street on right.
Our Part In The Diocese
Trinity Episcopal Church has maintained close ties with the Diocese over the years. A number of our parishioners have served on
the Diocesan Council. One of our members was a member of the Standing Committee, and others have been Deans of the Western Deanery, served on the Board of Directors of St. Elizabeth's Home, and other important
committees of the Diocese.
The Diocesan-sponsored Hunger March in the spring always brings out the hearty who walk
from Trinity to the Cathedral in Providence to benefit the hungry and to join in fellowship and prayer after the walk. During the summer, a few of our adults and teens contribute their
talents as staff members and counselors at the Episcopal Conference Center in Pascoag, where some of our youngsters also enjoy a week as campers (see Campership Fund).
Deaneries The diocese is comprised of six Deaneries. Trinity Episcopal Church belongs to the Central Deanery.
Aquidneck Deanery The Aquidneck Deanery consists of ten congregations, eight of which are actually located on Aquidneck Island in Narragansett
Bay. Included are congregations in Newport, Middletown, and Portsmouth to the north as well in Tiverton "off island". Deanery clergy provide Holy Eucharist on a monthly basis in all
of the area nursing homes, and share a chaplaincy at Newport Hospital.
The Deans are The Rev. Greg Cole and Ms. Kit Tobin.
Little Compton - St. Andrew's-by-the-Sea Middletown - Holy Cross Middletown - St. Columba's Chapel Newport - St. George's
Newport - St. John's Newport - Trinity Portsmouth - St. Mary's Portsmouth - St. Paul's Tiverton - Holy Trinity
Blackstone Deanery Twelve parishes located in Pawtucket, Providence, Central Falls, Lincoln, Ashton,
Cumberland, Pascoag, and Woonsocket are a mixture of urban, suburban and rural congregations in an area that has seen dramatic social and economic change in the last
twenty years. St. George's, Central Falls, is a bilingual congregation and center for Hispanic ministry. Congregations in the southern part of the deanery, facing the impact of
high unemployment, increased crime, and a changing population have been challenged to develop new patterns of ministry.
One result has been a fresh sense of mutual support and responsibility, as the deanery
parishes share in a soup kitchen, food bank, clergy support system, united worship services, and adult education. The Deanery also shares a staff person who serves as a
coordinator for Christian education and formation for young people, Ms. Janice Baldwin.
The Deans are The Rev. Roger Robillard and Mr. Paul Sheldon.
Ashton - St. John's Central Falls - St. George's Cumberland - Emmanuel Lincoln - Christ Church
Pascoag - Calvary Church Pawtucket - Church of the Advent Pawtucket - Good Shepherd Pawtucket - St. Luke's Pawtucket - St. Martin's Pawtucket - St. Paul's Providence - Church of the Redeemer
Woonsocket - St. James'
Central Deanery Twelve parishes and the Chaplaincy at Brown University share a north central location in
the state. These parishes currently are working to harness the excitement of the new relationships. The deanery has a great deal of diversity comprising rich and poor, old
families and new immigrants, suburbanites and city folk. Many of the parishes are both blessed and burdened by large expensive-to-maintain buildings. Others are experiencing
energy and growth under new ministers. Parishes with small or no endowments are uncertain about their futures. All of these parishes in the Deanery worship God and serve
their neighbors with enthusiasm and hope, including those in the poorest sections of Providence.
Plans are now being made to begin the Deanery Jubilee Project of an after-school
program for middle school students in cooperation with the In the Square After-School Arts Program at the Church of the Messiah in Olneyville.
The Deans are The Rev. Al Barnaby and Ms. Jane Jellison.
Centerdale - St. Alban's Greenville - St. Thomas' North Providence - St. James North Scituate - Trinity
Providence - All Saints' Memorial Church Providence - Cathedral of St. John Providence - Church of the Epiphany Providence - Grace Church Providence - Church of the Messiah Providence - St. Martin's
Providence - St. Peter & St. Andrew's
East Bay Deanery Comprising seven churches in four cities on the eastern shore of Narragansett Bay (East
Providence, Barrington, Warren, and Bristol) plus one church on the East Side of Providence, these congregations range from small corporate to family size, in an area that
varies from suburban to inner-city. Deanery clergy meet monthly for a brown-bag lunch and interpersonal support. In 1993, the deanery initiated the "East Bay Caring and
Sharing Network," composed of laity and professionals from helping agencies who work to improve information and referral services in the East Bay Communities.
Ms. Jacqui Thomas is the Lay Dean.
Barrington - St. John's Barrington - St. Matthew's Bristol - St. Michael's East Providence - St. Mary's
Providence - St. Stephen's Riverside - St. Mark's Rumford - St. Michael & Grace Warren - St. Mark's
Narragansett Deanery The Narragansett Deanery is composed of twelve congregations from Westerly on the
Connecticut border to East Greenwich in the North, including St. Ann's-by-the-Sea on Block Island. St. Augustine's Chapel in Kingston serves the University of Rhode Island
while other parishes are located in towns and villages along the western and southern shores of the Bay. The mission of the Deanery is to establish a network Linking our
Community of Faith through involvement, communication, care and concern, fellowship, information, as well as sharing celebrations and milestones. The deanery supports
outreach ministries within its borders: The Warm Shelter in Westerly, The Soup Kitchen sponsored by St. Augustine's Chapel and the Church of the Ascension in Wakefield,
Galilee Mission in Narragansett and Welcome House in Peace Dale.
The Deans are The Rev. Nancy Willis and Ms. Joanne Schuyler.
Alton - St. Thomas' Block Island - St. Ann's-by-the-Sea Charlestown - Church of the Holy Spirit
East Greenwich - St. Luke's Hopkinton - St. Elizabeth's Jamestown - St. Matthew's Kingston - St. Augustine's Narragansett - St. Peter's Newport - Emmanuel North Kingstown/Wickford - St. Paul's
Saunderstown - Chapel of St. John the Divine Wakefield - Church of the Ascension Westerly - Christ Church
West Bay Deanery Located at the heart and geographic center of the state, this deanery is composed of
parishes in the cities of Warwick and Cranston (Rhode Island's second and third second largest cities) and the three parishes in Coventry (one of the largest towns
geographically in the state). The deanery is south of Providence on the western shore of Narragansett Bay. Its character varies from nearly urban at the northern border with
Providence, to suburban at the tip of Warwick Neck, to rural in western Coventry. Geographically it ranges from coastal to agrarian. Its twelve parishes vary dramatically in size.
The Deans are The Rev. P. Wayne Runner and Ms. Carol Drought.
Coventry - Christ Church Coventry - Church of St. Andrew and St. Phillip Coventry - St. Matthias'
Cranston - Church of the Ascension Cranston - St. David's-on-the-Hill Cranston - Church of the Transfiguration Cranston - Trinity Church Warwick - All Saints' Warwick - Resurrection
Warwick - St. Barnabas' Warwick - St. Mark's Warwick - St. Mary's